Preschool education in Costa Rica

Preschool education in Costa Rica

Preschool education in Costa Rica Costa Rica is one of the few countries in the world where the government pays special attention to the preschool education of children. Costa Ricans believe that in early childhood a kid acquires an interest in learning and other abilities.
The structure of preschool education
In general, preschool education in Costa Rica consists of 2 cycles:
  • Ciclo Materno Infantil (cycle of mother and child; from 0 to 5.5 years);
  • Ciclo de Transición (the child’s transition to school, from 5.5 to 6.5 years).
Ciclo Materno Infantil. This cycle is optional. Meanwhile, you can enroll a child in institutions of this cycle from birth. In addition, it is divided into three parts:
  • Bebes (0 to 12 months).
  • Maternal (1 to 3.5 years old).
  • Interactivo (3.5 to 5.5 years old).
Types of preschool institutions
It is worth noting that Costa Rica has a large number of preschool educational institutions. These include:
  • education and nutrition centres – Centros de Educación y Nutrición (CEN);
  • nurseries – Guarderías Infantiles;
  • children’s comprehensive care centres – Centros de Atención Integral (CAI), Centros Infantiles de Atención Integral (CINAI);
  • kindergartens – Jardines de niños;
  • community homes – Hogares comunitarios.

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