open a company in Costa Rica
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Why is it profitable to open a company in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is one of the most politically calm and financially attractive countries in Central America. This allows residents and non-residents of the jurisdiction to be completely exempt from corporate tax if the profit is received in another country in the world. Benefits of registering a company in Costa Rica Sufficiently high economic indicators of…

Marina in Costa Rica
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Most popular professions in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America. Many people know this state as one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It has unique nature and warm climate. That is why Costa Rica attracts thousands of tourists every year. It happens that foreigners, after a vacation in this country, think about…

Real estate prices
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Cost of Living in Costa Rica: Property Prices

Immigration to Costa Rica is becoming increasingly popular among foreigners. Many tourists from Europe and the USA visit it not only for the purpose of recreation. In this country, it is possible to make a dream come true and to acquire a house in close proximity to the ocean coast, in a unique natural oasis…

Shopping in Costa Rica
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Shopping in Costa Rica: prices for clothes and shoes

First of all, it should be noted that shopping in Costa Rica is not cheap, since the bulk of the goods are brought from other countries. There are plenty of shopping malls and ordinary shops selling clothes and shoes, but some Costaritans like to travel to the United States for the purpose of shopping. Shopping…

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